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shutdown(8) bring down the system
shutdown(2) shut down part of a full-duplex connection
shutdown(3P, 3p) shut down socket send and receive operations

SHUTDOWN(8) System Manager's Manual SHUTDOWN(8)

shutdownbring down the system

shutdown [-rhP] [-fF] [now | +mins] [message ...]

shutdown brings the system down in a secure way. All logged-in users are notified that the system is going down, and login(1) is blocked.

By default, shutdown puts the system into single user mode. Rebooting and halting the system can be done using the following options:

Cancel an ongoing shutdown.
Enable fast booting; skip fsck(8) on next boot.
Force run of fsck(8) on next boot.
Halt the system.
Don't really shutdown; only send the warning messages to everybody.
Poweroff the system.
Reboot the system.
Shutdown without further waiting.
Wait mins minutes before shutting down.
Message displayed to all users, defaults to "system is going down".

This version of shutdown is based on runit(8), the following features are supported:

to wait secs seconds between SIGKILL and SIGTERM on shutdown is silently ignored.
Use /etc/shutdown.allow.
Drop into boot monitor.
Don't call init(8).
Absolute time specification is not implemented.

Turn off the system:

# shutdown -h now

fsck(8), halt(8), init(8), poweroff(8), reboot(8), runit(8), runsvchdir(8)

Leah Neukirchen,

July 29, 2014 Linux